Director ’s Message

Director ’s Message

JFCPL is able to reach millions of customers with family planning products and services through existing retail outlets and clinics. JFC strives to ensure wide availability of high-quality, affordable reproductive health products by building supply chains to manufacture and distribute contraception and safe abortion products.  In so doing creating a demand for contraceptives through the development of integrated, evidence-based behaviour change campaigns that promote the benefits of family planning and safe sex.

JFC commits to making contraceptives easy to buy, and that people can use with confidence and enjoyment. JFC uses dynamic digital and social media and increasingly mass media, to increase awareness of family planning through promotion of the STYLE Condoms and TRUST Contraception brands specifically.

Complementary to the contraception supply chain, JFC also works in clinician engagement to improve the quality of care provided from healthcare practitioners.  The first project, funded by CIFF (Children’s Investment Fund Foundation) focuses on the promotion of long-acting reversible contraceptives (LARC) following abortion supporting the behaviour change away from using abortion as a method of contraception and prevent unwanted pregnancies. Secondly, through funding from the BMGF (Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation) JFC provide training to Doctors and pharmacists to educate on safe methods of abortion and importance of medication counselling advice improving treatment compliance and efficacy, thus reducing the risk of complications from an incomplete abortion or what otherwise could be a poorly managed abortion.  


Janani Family Care